Thursday, February 16, 2012

Coffee, rain, and Zeppelin

Sitting in Checker Records trying to make some sense of life lately. Seems that everyone seems to be in some sort of tail spin. I don't know why this stuff happens. Seems almost pointless to ride this roller coaster of emotion day in and day out, but maybe that's what we were designed for? Maybe we are like lab rats running the mill trying to figure out the perfect combination of coffee and politics to make a world run smoothly.

I sit here kinda in a slump, my friends are all at Hillsdale College jogging on the track. I started off the new year with great intentions of working off my winter flub. However when I started to lift weights at the school and walk the track at the college, my foot decided that it had had enough of my piss and vigor and it went on strike. I woke up one morning with a sharp pain in the top of my left foot. My wife and I went to Jackson with some friends and the pain increased and the swelling increased to the point where I looked like I was trying to walk in wet concrete with a snow shoe on. I made an appointment to see the Dr. After he came into the room and made a few off the cuff jokes, he began his process of massaging my foot to further aggravate the pain and cause me the rest of the day's misery. Needless to say, after x-rays and blood work and cat scans there is still no rhyme or reason for my swelling and pain. My wife said that it is an act of God. Sure, maybe He wants me to look as goofy as possible when I go to share His message with people. Then again, I always said that my God has an awesome sense of humor, but I am not finding this very funny at all. Off to pick up my wife from the college and hear about how healthy she is. Such is life.

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